Chamisa over the moon after being told he is more popular than Econet and mutoriro

Chamisa over the moon after being told he is more popular than Econet and mutoriro

Beleaguered Citizens Coalition for Change leader Nelson Chamisa today said a post by former Chivi Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front legislator Killer Zivhu that he was more popular than Econet had killed him.

Zivhu said: “Chamisa is now popular more than Econet, Netone,  Ecocash, Mukuru, ZEC and kambucha, even mutoriro or mbanje in not popular  than  this guy, everyday  everywhere they talk  about him, in government offices, X, Facebook,  YouTube, misangano, mumabhazi , mudzimba yangova Chamisa.”

The CCC leader said the post had killed him.

Some of his followers were, however, not amused with @DrGugu_Ncube saying: “Popularity won’t bring voting stations to X. Neither will it spare you from Tshabangu, Tshamisa.”

@TondeGonzo appealed to Chamisa: “Please reconnect with Biti Mr President. He brings a dimension the regime in Hre loathes. They’re encouraging more disconnect between yourselves bcz your tagteam is effective &formidable. We don’t have to agree always but the more diverse the merrier.”

@madamnyarie told Chamisa that Zivhu had merely fed into his ego.

“He fed your ego. Meanwhile no comment about recalls, busy kutsvaga your praise and worship team.”


1 Comment

  1. Christopher Gomo

    Hapana Hapana this guy he doesn’t care about the majority, instead of negotiating for GNU to improve the lives of those who voted him, he is just silent. Mr Morgan Tsvangirai he is a hero not him.

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