It’s all lies Chamisa says

Movement for Democratic Change leader Nelson Chamisa has described as outright distortions and lies stories about his visit to Joshua Nkomo museum and his meeting with former war veterans leader Jabulani Sibanda.

Reports in the State-controlled media today said Chamisa had committed an abomination by claiming that he had been promised Nkomo’s intonga (scepter).

In his weekly Road to Victory message, Chamisa said he had noted “that there have been outright distortions, lies and spin around my visit to the Joshua Nkomo museum and my meeting with Jabulani”. But he did not offer any explanation, just adding:  “Yet lies have temporary legs and the truth shall be revealed in the fullness of time.”

On the visit to Nkomo museum, Chamisa said: “I felt tears welling in my eyes when I was told that I was the first national leader to pay homage at the iconic Father Zimbabwe’s memorial monument in Matsheumhlope.

“For me, the late Dr Joshua Nkomo will always be a source of inspiration, notwithstanding the regime’s perennial attempt to belittle and undermine his national contribution.

“He will always be an undisputed national hero and I immediately ordered the Bulawayo City Council to ensure that the museum is upgraded to a level of a strategic national institution that does not have to pay rates to the local authority. The Joshua Mqabuko Nkomo museum is a strategic national heritage state that honours the life of one of Zimbabwe’s undisputed national heroes.”

Chamisa said he talked with Jabulani Sibanda for one-and-a-half hours and realized that they had a lot in common.

“For one and half hours while at his home, we shared our aspirations and the vision for the future of the country that both of us so much love. At the end, we discovered we shared the same passion for a future with multiple possibilities for the people of Zimbabwe,” Chamisa said.

“This April being the independence month for us as a party and as a leadership, I discovered that there was more that united us; that we had the same unstinting affinity for our country and its people.

“I discovered we suckled from the same breast of patriotism and soon.

“Thanks brother Jabu for the great conversation as we prepare to step hand in hand into the new Zimbabwe that is coming in a few months time.”

Continued next page



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