81 infected after coronavirus outbreak at Masvingo learning institution

81 infected after coronavirus outbreak at Masvingo learning institution

Zimbabwe yesterday recorded 115 new coronavirus cases, 81 of them at a learning institution in Masvingo. The Ministry of Health did not name the institution.

This pushed the number of active coronavirus cases in the country to 600 with Masvingo now having the highest number of cases at 133. Matebeleland South has 130.

There was one death and 19 people recovered.

Zimbabweans have been blacklisted from travelling to the United States, the United Kingdom and the European following the discovery in South Africa and Botswana of a new coronavirus variant called omicron but the government says it is on full alert.

More than 16 000 people were vaccine yesterday with 8 040n getting the first jab and 8 071 the second.



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