800 more signatures needed to stop Ecocash from robbing the people of Zimbabwe

800 more signatures needed to stop Ecocash from robbing the people of Zimbabwe

Eight hundred more signatures are now needed to get 2 500 signatures to stop Ecocash, the country’s biggest mobile money platform, from robbing the people of Zimbabwe.

The petition, started more than a year ago was largely dormant and was started by John Duplessis.

According to the petition over 6 million Zimbabweans on the platform lose money at least once a week from an incomplete transaction.

“To make it worse, Econet has deliberately incapacitated their customer service platform so as to frustrate those looking for refunds and eventually give up trying. The phone is never ever answered,” it says.

“Econet is making millions of undeclared profits from the money they are stealing from us every day. A simple transaction reversal can take weeks if not months in some instances. Those living in the rural areas have it worse as they have less avenues to claim their money.”

The Insider has decided to publicise it to make the company more accountable to its customers. The editor of the Insider has also lost money through unsanctioned deductions.

Click this link to join the petition:





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