362 Zimbabweans recover from coronavirus but 5 die

362 Zimbabweans recover from coronavirus but 5 die

Five more Zimbabweans -two from Matebeleland South and one each from Bulawayo, Manicaland and Mashonaland East- died of coronavirus today but a staggering 362 people recovered resulting in the number of active cases dropping to 1 899.

There were 177 new cases which saw the number of cases to date increase to 13 325 while that of recoveries rose to 11 067.

The number of deaths has risen to 359 with 82 of them this month alone.

Thirty-three of the new cases recorded today were returning residents all from South Africa except one from Mozambique.

Bulawayo had 66 recoveries and this saw the number of active cases in the city drop to 302. Harare still has 472 active cases followed by Matebeleland South with 407.

Mashonaland West recorded a whopping 191 recoveries and the number of active cases dropped to 68.

Globally the number of cases now stands at 82.1 million cases with 1.79 million deaths, 58.1 million recoveries and 22.2 million active cases.

The United States should top 20 million cases before the end of the year and could reach more than 350 000 deaths.

South Africa which moved from Level 1 to 3 with effect from today now has 1.02 million cases. Some 27 568 people have died and the number of active cases now stands at 135 427.



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