2 die of coronavirus in Zimbabwe but active cases continue to drop

2 die of coronavirus in Zimbabwe but active cases continue to drop

Two people, both from Mashonaland West, died of coronavirus today but the number of active cases continued to drop as there were 32 new cases against 47 recoveries.

There are currently 36 321 reported cases, 33 91 recoveries, 1 489 deaths and 913 active cases.

The recovery rate now stands at 93.4%.

The country’s steady progress is indicated by the fact that 2 056 people were tested today and there were only 32 positive cases.

Active cases in Harare have dropped to 495. Those in Matebeleland North and Manicaland remained static at 182 and 117, respectively while cases in Bulawayo rose to 6 but the second city still has the lowest number of cases followed by Mashonaland Central with 10.

Only 243 people were vaccinated today raising the total to 35 761.



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