17 Zimbabweans including Chombo, Gono’s wife and Chinamasa’s daughter removed from US sanctions list

17 Zimbabweans including Chombo, Gono’s wife and Chinamasa’s daughter removed from US sanctions list

Seventeen Zimbabweans,most of whom were ministers or deputy ministers in President Robert Mugabe’s government, were today removed from the United States sanctions list.

Notable among them were former Finance ministers Ignatius Chombo and Hebert Murerwa, former Security Minister Nicholas Goche and the wife of former Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe governor, Hellin Gono.

Below is the full list and the posts they held:

  1. BUKA, Flora; DOB 25 Feb 1968; Minister of State for Special Affairs, Land and Resettlement Program (individual) [ZIMBABWE]. 
  2. CHOMBO, Ignatius Morgan; DOB 01 Aug 1952; Passport AD000500 (Zimbabwe); Minister of Local Government, Public Works and National Housing (individual) [ZIMBABWE]. 
  3. GOCHE, Nicholas Tasunungurwa; DOB 01 Aug 1946; Minister of Public Works, Labour and Social Welfare (individual) [ZIMBABWE]. 
  4. GUMBO, Aleck Rugare Ngidi, Montrolse Farm, PO Box 1175, Gweru, Zimbabwe; DOB 08 Mar 1940; Minister of Economic Development (individual) [ZIMBABWE]. 
  5. MACHAYA, Jaison Max Kokerai; DOB 13 Jun 1952; Member of Parliament for Gokwe Kana (individual) [ZIMBABWE]. 
  6. MARUMAHOKO, Rueben, 11 Douglas Clark Avenue, The Grange, Harare, Zimbabwe; DOB 04 Apr 1948; Deputy Minister for Home Affairs (individual) [ZIMBABWE]. 
  7. MURERWA, Herbert Muchemwa; DOB 31 Jul 1941; Passport AD001167 (Zimbabwe); Minister of Finance (individual) [ZIMBABWE]. 
  8. MUTIWEKUZIVA, Kenneth Keparadza; DOB 27 May 1948; Deputy Minister for Small and Medium Enterprise Development (individual) [ZIMBABWE]. 
  9. CHAPFIKA, David; DOB 07 Apr 1957; Passport ZL037165 (Zimbabwe); Deputy Minister of Finance (individual) [ZIMBABWE]. 
  10.  CHIHOTA, Phineas; DOB 23 Nov 1950; Deputy Minister of Industry and International Trade (individual) [ZIMBABWE]. 
  11. CHINAMASA, Gamuchirai, 2 Honeybear Lane, Borrowdale, Zimbabwe; DOB 11 Nov 1991; Passport AN634603 (Zimbabwe); Child of Patrick Chinamasa (individual) [ZIMBABWE]. 
  12. DAMASANE, Abigail; DOB 27 May 1952; Deputy Minister for Women’s Affairs, Gender and Community Development (individual) [ZIMBABWE]. 
  13. LANGA, Andrew; DOB 13 Jan 1965; Deputy Minister of Environment and Tourism (individual) [ZIMBABWE]. 
  14. MURERWA, Ruth Chipo, 321 Ard-Na-Lea Close, Glen Lorne, Chisipite, Zimbabwe; DOB 27 Jul 1947; Passport AD001244 (Zimbabwe) expires 19 Aug 2009; Spouse of Herbert Murerwa (individual) [ZIMBABWE]. 
  15. SIBANDA, Levy; Deputy Police Commissioner (individual) [ZIMBABWE]. 
  16. GONO, Hellin Mushanyuri; DOB 06 May 1962; Passport AN548299 (Zimbabwe); Spouse of Gideon Gono (individual) [ZIMBABWE]. 
  17. CHIMUTENGWENDE, Chenhamo Chakezha Chen; DOB 28 Aug 1943; Passport ZD001423 (Zimbabwe); alt. Passport AN288614 (Zimbabwe); Minister of State for Public and Interactive Affairs (individual) [ZIMBABWE].



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