President Robert Mugabe has urged Zimbabweans to unite and vote in peace because the people need to get rid of the three-headed creature that has been running the country over the past four years.
Zimbabwe has been run by an inclusive government with Mugabe as President, Morgan Tsvangirai of the Movement for Democratic Change as Prime Minister and Arthur Mutambara of the smaller faction of the MDC as deputy Prime Minister since February 2009. Announcing the date for the referendum as March 16, Mugabe was today quoted by The Herald as saying: “We do not want violence. Ukatora tsvimbo ndokuti adiyi? Kana asingade ko isu tashayeyi isu tine party inopa simba kuvanhu munyika mavo, inokoshesa hunhu hwedu vanhu vatema? Asi kana pane asingaidi ungamuita sei? Kune vanhu vakangoita semhuka yesangoka. (Why should you club your opponent? Why should we worry when we have a party that empowers people in their own country and respects Africans’ dignity? If they don’t support you, what can you do? There are people who behave like wild animals).