Zimbabwe’s 133 registered  political parties

Zimbabwe’s 133 registered  political parties

Some 133 political parties registered with the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission intending to contest tomorrow’s elections but only 55 fielded candidates. Twenty-three candidates are contesting for president.

Below is the list of parties:

  1. #1980FMZ- #1980 Freedom Zimbabwe
  2. ADP- African Democratic Party
  3. AKE- Alliance Khumbule’ Ekhaya
  4. ANSA- Alliance for National Salvation
  5. APA- Alliance for the People’s Agenda
  6. BCP- Bethel Christian Party
  7. Busier Busier
  8. BZA- Build Zimbabwe Alliance
  9. CP- Chiefs Party
  10. CTD- Congress for True Democracy
  11. DARE- Democratic Assembly for Restoration and Empowerment
  12. DA-UPP- Democratic Alliance- United People`s Party
  13. DAVID- Divine Alliance for Vitalisation of Inspired Development
  14. DAZ- Democratic Alliance Zimbabwe
  15. DOP- Democratic Opposition Party of Zimbabwe
  16. DPZ- Democratic Party of Zimbabwe
  17. DRK- Democratic Revolution Kommand
  18. DRP- Democracy Restoration Party
  19. ENDP- Economic National Democratic Party
  20. ERA- Economic Reform Assembly
  21. ERP- Economic Reconstruction Party
  22. FDZ- Federal Democrats of Zimbabwe
  23. FF- Freedom Front
  24. FJCZ- Freedom Justice Coalition Zimbabwe
  25. FLOANP (formally ANP)- Forces of the Liberation Organisation of African National Party
  26. FZC- Freezim Congress
  27. G40- Generation 40
  28. GNSD- Gungaisizwe Nationalistic Social Democrats
  29. GPM: ZPP- Zimbabwe People’s Party: Good People’s Movement
  30. J JDP- Justice and Development Party
  31. KP- Kambizi Party
  32. LD- Liberal Democrats
  33. LP- Liberation Party
  34. LWTF- Long Walk To Freedom
  35. MAAT-Zimbabwe MAAT – Zimbabwe
  36. MAYAZ- Movement Amalgamating Youths to Advance Zimbabwe

Continued next page



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