Zimbabweans trust Mnangagwa more than Chamisa

Zimbabweans trust President Emmerson Mnangagwa more than Movement for Democratic Change Alliance leader Nelson Chamisa, according a survey just released by Afrobarometer.

But they trust religious leaders more than politicians.

The survey showed that trust for religious leaders stood at 67 percent. The army was second with 55 percent followed by Courts of Law with 51 percent.

Mnangagwa scored 47while Chamisa stood at 40 percent.

But when it came to voting ZANU-PF scored 42 percent against MDC-T Chamisa’s 30 percent.

On the presidential election 44 percent said they would vote for the ZANU-PF candidate while 28 percent.


1 Comment

  1. Prof. JM

    Unless zimbabweans have morbid disease of forgetfullness. How can they ED who has lied to them for 38 years against a young man who has never been at the helm of power. You guys have a good sense of hou

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