Zimbabweans to know when ZEC will announce presidential election results at 5pm

Zimbabweans to know when ZEC will announce presidential election results at 5pm

The Zimbabwe Electoral Commission has urged Zimbabweans to be patient as they wait for the results of the country’s presidential elections saying it will know at 5pm when it will be able to announce the results.

Though ZEC is still within legally permissible time-limit, to announce the elections rights within five days and this is only day three, people are anxious to know the results because of the violence that erupted in the capital yesterday largely because Movement for Democratic Change Alliance supporters felt their vote had been stolen.

Alliance leader Nelson Chamisa has been accused of fuelling the violence by insisting that he won the presidential vote and will not allow his victory to be stolen.

The Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front has won more than a two-thirds majority winning only one seat each in Harare and Bulawayo.

ZEC said they will announce the results for the proportional representation and women’s quarter between 4 and 5pm today.



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