Zimbabweans can turn the country into a heaven – Mnangagwa

President Emmerson Mnangagwa today said Zimbabweans can make their country a heaven if they shun hate speech, love one another and work for economic prosperity.

“Put behind you hate speech and love one another. This is the spirit we want as the new Zimbabwe. It is only us who can make this country a heaven,” Mnangagwa said this at the Nabushome School near the Gwayi Shangani Dam.

“I will be announcing the date for elections very soon, so I implore you to register and vote because you cannot participate in the economic turnaround of the country if you have not registered,” he said.

The President said a peaceful election would be a springboard to economic prosperity.

“As long as we remain united and peaceful, we shall be a strong middle class income nation by 2030. We must now look and must work to make sure the future generations live a comfortable life.

“We have opened ourselves to the international community. We shall continue to deepen our relations with the international community and establish new ones with western countries,” Mnangagwa said.

“We need to grow our economy and have policies that create jobs for the younger generations.

“We also need to have a policy that will boost food security. Command agriculture will continue and although it was being sabotaged by G40, it was a resounding success.

“For other sectors, we have opened up the mining sector and my trip to Davos exposed us to wide range of investors who have shown interest in coming to invest in Zimbabwe.

“In the tourism sector, hotels and lodges in Harare and Victoria Falls are full as people now show confidence in our country.

“In transport, we are dualising our roads such as the Beitbridge-Chirundu and Beitbridge – Bulawayo highways.

“We will have new railway lines and refurbish the existing ones. Our train infrastructure has not been adequate to carry cargo for export, and despite the arrival of new wagons, the cargo is still piling up and we need to further equip NRZ,” Mnangagwa said.

The President pledged that the Gwayi-Shangani project, which will turn Matebeleland into a greenbelt, will be completed by the end of next year.



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