Zimbabwe tests more than 20 000 for coronavirus, 36 positive

Zimbabwe tests more than 20 000 for coronavirus, 36 positive

Zimbabwe has now tested more than 20 000 people for the coronavirus and only 36 were positive, including one who tested positive in Harare yesterday.

It, however, has 23 active cases, including five from one family in Bulawayo. Four have died and nine have recovered.

Five of the country’s 10 provinces -Matebeleland South, Masvingo, Manicaland, Mashonaland Central and the Midlands- have not recorded any coronavirus cases up to now.

Zimbabwe has been under a six-week lockdown which ends next Sunday, but can be extended though some people are saying they do not see the benefits of the lockdown.

According to figures on Worldometers this morning, the world now has 4.1million coronavirus cases of which 2.4 million are still active.

Some 280 593 people have died of the virus.

Countries with the highest deaths are: the United States (80 040), the United Kingdom (31 587) ad Italy (30 395).

Worldometers data is updated every minute.



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