Zimbabwe seeks financiers to develop housing for health professionals

Zimbabwe’s Infrastructure Development Bank (IDBZ) is looking for investors to develop accommodation facilities for health sector professionals as part of a drive to retain key health professionals.

The southern African country’s health sector has, over the last two decades, witnessed a spike in outward movement of critical staff as a result of unattractive employment conditions and a shortage of support infrastructure.

“This programme will be in 2 phases and shall apply to facilities requirements for the country’s six central hospitals (located in Harare-Bulawayo), eight Provincial Hospitals within provinces ,63 District Hospitals spread across the country, 43 Mission Hospitals and 1,200 health centers countrywide,” said the Ministers of Finance and Health in a joint statement.

“Phase 1, which begins in 2018 will cater for Central Hospitals, provincial hospitals and district hospitals in terms of staff accommodation and housing facilities whilst Phase 2 will address the remaining requirements for Mission Hospitals and Healthcare centers countrywide.”

The investment models will include joint ventures, Build-Operate-Transfer (BOT), Build-own-operate -transfer (BOOT), Design-Build-Finance-Operate and Maintain (DBFOM) and Rehabilitate-Operate-Transfer. – The Source



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