Zimbabwe records 68 new coronavirus cases, 55 from one boarding school in Matebeleland South

Zimbabwe records 68 new coronavirus cases, 55 from one boarding school in Matebeleland South

The number of new coronavirus cases in Zimbabwe today jumped to 68 following the outbreak of 55 cases at one boarding school in Matebeleland South.

This pushed the number of cases o 37 052. There were only 11 recoveries and one death resulting in the number of active cases increasing to 706 ad deaths to 1 532.

Harare now has 422 active cases, Bulawayo 124 and Matebeleland South 62.

Last term there was a major outbreak of coronavirus at another boarding school, John Tallach in Matebeleland North when 184 pupils tested positive but none of them died.

The number if people that have been vaccinated rose to 166 542 after 13 305 got their first dose. Another 955 got their second jab raising the number of those who have received the required two doses to 27 134.

Zimbabwe has made significant progress in curbing the pandemic and has allowed cassinos to start operating.

Zimbabwe records 68 new coronavirus cases, 55 from one boarding school in Matebeleland South

The number of new coronavirus cases in Zimbabwe today jumped to 68 following the outbreak of 55 cases at one boarding school in Matebeleland South.

This pushed the number of cases o 37 052. There were only 11 recoveries and one death resulting in the number of active cases increasing to 706 ad deaths to 1 532.

Harare now has 422 active cases, Bulawayo 124 and Matebeleland South 62.

Last term there was a major outbreak of coronavirus at another boarding school, John Tallach in Matebeleland North when 184 pupils tested positive but none of them died.

The number if people that have been vaccinated rose to 166 542 after 13 305 got their first dose. Another 955 got their second jab raising the number of those who have received the required two doses to 27 134.

Zimbabwe has made significant progress in curbing the pandemic and has allowed cassinos to start operating.



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