Zimbabwe needs to get rid of politics of hate, toxicity and acrimony- Mwonzora

Zimbabwe needs to get rid of politics of hate, toxicity and acrimony- Mwonzora

One of the leaders of the Movement for Democratic Change Douglas Mwonzora today said Zimbabwe needs to “jettison the politics of hate, toxicity and acrimony and replace it with politics of tolerance and rational disputation”.

He posted this on his twitter handle where he said a review of Zimbabwe’s politics over the last few weeks led to one conclusion: “we need a new approach to our politics”.

Though it was not clear what Mwonzora was referring to, Zimbabwe has been embroiled in the abduction of doctors’ leader Peter Magombeyi who was later found alive and is now in South Africa, and the walk-out by MDC legislators when President Emmerson Mnangagwa gave his state of the nation address on 1 October.

Mwonzora who is a senator and the party deputy secretary for international affairs did not join the walk-out and was recently in Europe with Speaker of Parliament Jacob Mudenda promoting Zimbabwe’s re-engagement.

Mwonzora was the party’s secretary-general until the party congress in May and challenged Nelson Chamisa for party president but lost.

Mnangagwa invited all political parties which have not yet joined the Political Actors Dialogue which has 19 political parties to do so.

The MDC led by Chamisa is one of the parties that has insisted that it will not join the dialogue.

It wants national dialogue presided over but an external facilitator.



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