Zimbabwe legislators must display zero tolerance to corruption-Parliamentary Committee

Zimbabwe legislators must display zero tolerance to corruption-Parliamentary Committee

  1. Part VIII: Findings

In the light of the foregoing, terms of reference and after a thorough and exhaustive evaluation of the evidence presented, the Committee made the following findings-

8.1. THAT the evidence submitted to the Committee was insufficient to establish that the Honourable Members of Parliament Hon. T. Mliswa and Hon. A. Ndebele, Hon. L. Chikomba and Hon. P.D. Sibanda solicited for a bribe. Consequently, the Committee concluded that there was no breach of privilege or contempt of Parliament.

8.2. THAT the conduct by the four Honourable Members of convening a meeting with the Goddard Team (Messrs. Goddard, Tundiya and Steyn) outside the parameters of official Committee business at night and by further engaging in a discussion on a matter that was before the Committee (mining contract at Hwange) created an impression of impropriety, but does not constitute a breach of privilege amounting to contempt of Parliament.

  1. Part IX: Recommendations

9.1. The Committee recommends that the four Honourable Members of Parliament, namely Hon. T. Mliswa and Hon. A. Ndebele, Hon. L. Chikomba and Hon. P.D. Sibanda be cleared on the charge of soliciting for a bribe due to lack of sufficient evidence:-

9.2. Further, the Committee is of the view that the conduct of the four Honourable Members of Parliament does not constitute a breach of privilege amounting to contempt of Parliament.

9.3. However, the Committee, is of the view that measures should be undertaken to ensure Members of Parliament are not involved in activities which are inconsistent with Parliamentary decorum, and as a deterrence measure the Committee do hereby recommend the following;

9.3.1 That the four Members should be prohibited from sitting in the Portfolio Committee on Mines and Mining Development for the rest of the 9th Parliament.

9.3.2. The four Members should prepare and deliver a statement of apology to Parliament.

9.3.3. That a one sitting’s allowance be withheld – [HON. MEMBERS: Inaudible interjections] –

9.4. There should be continuous reminders at various platforms to Honourable Members of their pre-eminent role as the defenders of the Constitution and the Code of Conduct of Parliamentarians and therefore, display zero tolerance towards corruption.

Madam Speaker, let me end by thanking Members of this Committee, staff of Parliament and all of you for the least interjections during my presentation.  I also advise that in terms of procedure, once we have submitted, we then adjourn the debate until the four accused Members have studied the report and then they come back and respond and debate.  Thereafter, the rest can then debate.

THE HON. DEPUTY SPEAKER: In terms of Standing Order 111, every Member against whom any charge by way of motion has been made and whose conduct is under debate, having been heard in his or her place, must withdraw whilst such charge is under debate and must take no further part in the proceedings.  I therefore call upon Hon. Sen. Chief Charumbira to adjourn the debate to allow the accused Hon. Members to prepare their responses to the allegations.

HON. SEN. CHIEF CHARUMBIRA: Madam Speaker, I move that the debate do now adjourn.

HON. TOFFA: I second.



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