Zimbabwe legislators must display zero tolerance to corruption-Parliamentary Committee

Zimbabwe legislators must display zero tolerance to corruption-Parliamentary Committee

  1. Part V: Summary of Evidence Presented to the Committee

In summary, the Committee found the following evidence to be either common cause or not seriously disputed―

5.1           Mr. Tundiya owes Mr. Chikomba a sum of between US$1600 and US$ 2100 based on the evidence received by the Committee.

5.2           Two meetings took place at the Bronte Hotel between Hon. Chikomba, Hon. Ndebele, Hon. Sibanda and Mr Tundiya before 15 November 2018.

5.3           Mr. Tundiya convened a meeting on 15 November 2018 between the four Members of the portfolio committee on Mines and Mining Development and Mr. Goddard. On that same day, he drove to meet Mr. Goddard in Shangani and the two immediately proceeded to Harare at night.

5.4           Hon. Sibanda contacted Hon. Mliswa to attend the meeting with Mr. Goddard and Mr.Tundiya at the JR Goddard offices in Borrowdale, Harare.

5.5           The meeting took place in Borrowdale, at night.

5.6           The convenor of the meeting (Mr Tundiya) did not chair the meeting. The meeting was chaired by Hon. Mliswa, who summarised the issues concerning the mining operations at Hwange Colliery Company.

5.7           During the meeting, Hon. Mliswa assisted by Hon. Ndebele, advised the JR Goddard team that it was necessary for them to meet the Minister of Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs because Hwange Colliery Company was under reconstruction.

5.8           Hon. Mliswa and Hon. Ndebele also indicated to the JR. Goddard team that they were willing to facilitate that meeting with the Minister.

5.9           The team from JR Goddard, for all intents and purposes, believed the meeting to be one with members of the Portfolio Committee on Mines and Mining Development. Hon Mliswa left before the meeting ended. A discussion regarding the alleged solicitation of bribe took place in the car park after the meeting had ended. Hon. Ndebele was not present when the alleged solicitation of bribe took place. He was seated in his car.

5.10     The figure of $400 000 was alleged to have been mentioned by Hon. Chikomba and conveyed to Mr. Goddard by Mr. Tundiya. This allegedly happened after Mr. Goddard sought clarification regarding the “something” which Hon Chikomba had mentioned. Hon. Sibanda and Hon. Chikomba were allegedly present at this discussion, while Hon. Ndebele sat in the car throughout this alleged discussion about the money.

5.11     Hon. Mliswa left the meeting earlier than the other accused three Honourable members. He left before the issue of payment of the alleged $400 000 bribe was raised and discussed.

5.12     On the submission by Mr. Steyn, the alleged $400 000 was supposed to be split into $100 000 for each member of the Portfolio Committee on Mines and Mining Development who had attended the meeting. Hon. Chikomba gave his bank account details to J.R. Goddard.

5.13     Hon. Chikomba conceded that he mentioned the figure of $ 400 000 but argued that he had mentioned it as a casual remark and in relation to the debt he was owed by Mr. Tundiya.

5.14     Hon. Ndebele spoke to Mr. Goddard the following morning and dissociated himself from the matters which had been discussed the previous night.

Continued next page



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