Zimbabwe elections are coming sooner than most people expect- Charamba

Information secretary and President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s spokesman George Charamba has refuted reports by exiled former Higher Education Minister Jonathan Moyo that the government is seeking to postpone elections saying that the elections will be held sooner than most people expect.

Jonathan Moyo told the British Broadcasting Corporation that when Mnangagwa visited Movement for Democratic Change leader Morgan Tsvangirai last week, he was not concerned about his health but wanted to negotiate postponing elections by three years because Mnangagwa and his administration are afraid to hold elections.

Charamba said Moyo’s fall from the zenith of power to nothingness was causing him psychological problems.

 How could Moyo, who was not even in the country and had abandoned his family, know about what was happening in the country ore than those who were in the country.

Charamba said Mnangagwa’s visit to Tsvangirai was due to his genuine concern about Tsvangirai’s health because he was really not feeling well.

He said the visit to Tsvangirai was also aimed at reducing that state of polarisation in the country, “that state of tension in the country which needs us to redirect our energy to turning around the country”.

Legal watchdog Veritas Zimbabwe says that under the new constitution Zimbabwe can only have elections between 23 July and 21 August next year.

See also:

Why it is not possible for Zimbabwe to have elections in March

Mugabe can no longer call for elections as he pleases- watchdog





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