Zimbabwe doctors finally agree to return to work

Zimbabwe doctors finally agree to return to work

Zimbabwe doctors who were on strike from 1 December yesterday agreed to return to work and the agreement was signed by Zimbabwe Hospital Doctors Association Mthabisi Bhebhe who on Friday said while members of the executive from his association had met First Lady Auxillia Mnangagwa no agreement had been reached.

The First Lady had announced that the doctors had agreed to return to work and she would present their case to the highest authorities while their grievances were being sorted out.

The government stuck to its position that doctors would not be paid in United States dollars.

According to the agreement doctors were given 48 hours which ends tomorrow at 5pm to return to work.

The government will tomorrow meet representatives of all government employees tomorrow to discuss labour issues.

Some of the civil servants, mainly teachers, have been threatening to go on strike before schools open on Tuesday.




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