Zimbabwe doctors call off month-long strike

Zimbabwe doctors called of their month-long strike and resume work today after agreeing, among other things, to have their on-call allowance increase from $5 an hour to $7.50 an hour and will be paid at $1 200 a month for junior doctors.

The strike started on 1 March and ended yesterday.

Below is a statement released following the agreement.

DATE: 30 MARCH 2018



On 30 March 2018, parties to the Health Service Bipartite Negotiating Panel (HSBNP) meeting agreed to the following:

1. On-Call Allowance

Review of the On-Call Allowance rate for Junior Doctors from the current framework of US$5 per hour on the basis of a capped 72 working hours per month to US$7.50 per hour on the basis of a maximum of 160 working hours per month. This will be paid on an unclaimable basis the rate of $1200 per month for the Junior Doctor.

This offer reviews the On-Call Allowance sliding scale rate from the current level of US$216 – US$504 per month to US$720 – US$1 680 per month, entailing mobilisation of additional resources of around US$2.1 million per month.

2. Night Duty Allowance

Night Duty Allowance reviewed from the current claimable sliding scale rate of US$65 – US$91 per set of 7 days to an unclaimable sliding scale rate from US$217 – US$303 per month.

The proposed review entails mobilisation of additional resources amounting to around US$866 000 per month.

3. Standby/Call-Out Allowance

Standby/Call-Out Allowance to Nurse’s station. at Rural Health Centres, be adjusted from the current claimable rate of USS72 for a set of 7 days to an unclaimable rate of US$240 per set per month, with the maximum Standby/Call-Out being limited to a maximum of 14 days per month. The proposed review entails mobilisation of additional resources amounting to around Us$500 000 per month.

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