Zimbabwe doctors association says let’s not speculate about strike

Zimbabwe doctors association says let’s not speculate about strike

Zimbabwe’s striking doctors seem to be in a quandary over the announcement this morning by Zimbabwe First Lady Auxillia Mnangagwa that they have agreed to return to work while their grievances are being sorted out.

The agreement seems to have upset a lot of people who are looking for confrontation with the government.

The Zimbabwe Hospital Doctors Association acknowledged that a delegation had indeed met the First Lady but it was still to brief its membership.

“The delegation that went to meet First Lady today is yet to give feedback to our membership. Awaiting this much anticipated feedback, lets not speculate the outcome, because concessions are made after nationwide consultations with members. We hope the negotiations are fruitful!” the association said.

The resolution of the doctors’ strike would leave scores of unions representing civil servants in a quandary as they wanted to ride on the strike.



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