Zimbabwe coronavirus deaths drop to 17 over past 24 hours

Zimbabwe coronavirus deaths drop to 17 over past 24 hours

The number of coronavirus deaths in Zimbabwe dropped to 17 in the past 24 hours raising the total to date to 683 and that for this month to 320.

There were 772 new cases and 458 recoveries. Cumulative cases rose to 26 881, those for this month to 13 014 and recoveries to 15 872.

There are now 10 326 active cases with Harare having the lion’s share of 4 560, followed by Manicaland with 1 259, Mashonaland East with 1 091 and Bulawayo 664.

Bulawayo had the highest number of deaths today at eight.

Acting President Constantino Chiwenga who is also Minister of Health said there might be no need to extend the 30-day lockdown if people change their behaviour.

“If all our people maintained a positive attitude towards measures to combat the corona virus, there was not going to be any need for imposition of a national lockdown,” he said.

“I am aware that lockdown measures do hurt the socio-economic livelihoods, freedoms, rights and liberties of individuals. Nevertheless, they may be necessary if some of our citizens display nonchalant behaviour. “

Globally the number of cases has risen to 94.8 million. They include 2.03 million deaths, 67.6 million recoveries and 25.1 million active cases.

The United States now has 24.2 million cases, 404 218 deaths and 9.5 million active cases.

South Africa, which has the highest number of cases in Africa, has 1.32 million cases, 36 851 deaths and 204 830 active cases.



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