Zimbabwe backtracks on use of fuel containers

Zimbabwe backtracks on use of fuel containers

Zimbabwe’s Energy Minister Joram Gumbo has backtracked on the use of containers saying there are genuine customers who have to use them like farmers, owners of grinding mills, schools and hospitals.

Gumbo, however, urged suppliers and distributors to exercise caution because there are some who are hoarding fuel either for their own use or for resale.

He reminded the public that it was illegal to hoard fuel and once again said the fuel supply in the country is improving.

Gumbo said in discussions with the oil industry it was noted that there was a marked increase in the number of people putting fuel in containers, crowding out motorists.

“The nation is assured that government is doing its best to ensure continued supply of fuel throughout the country and therefore there is no need for hoarding and panic buying,” he said in a statement.

But long queues for fuel do not give motorists confidence in Gumbo’s statement.

His ministry has been saying it is on top of the situation for the past two weeks but queues persist.

Full statement


The fuel supply in the country is improving but remains constrained. However, in discussions with the oil industry, it has been noted that despite the improvements, there has been a marked increase in the number of people who are putting fuel in containers crowding out motorists.

The nation is assured that Government is doing its best to ensure continued supply of fuel throughout the country and therefore there is no need for hoarding and panic buying.

My Ministry notes that there are genuine cases of legitimate customers that include command agriculture and other farmers, owners of grinding mills, schools and hospitals that require fuel for their generators and many other users, who of necessity have to uplift fuel in containers.

My Ministry is acutely aware that there are several users who of necessity have to transport fuel to various places of economic activity. While these are all genuine cases requiring picking of fuel in containers, there are those who have resorted to hoarding fuel, either for resale or for future personal use.

It is this latter class of our citizenry who should desist from so doing, as this contributes towards causing artificial shortages of fuel on the market. We are also aware from the public reports that drums and other containers are fueling the black market.

In terms of Statutory instrument 12 of 2007, fuel is classified under the “Hazardous Substances, Pesticides and Toxic Substances Regulations”, requiring specialized containers for carrying and storing. It is in this spirit that my Ministry is calling on all fuel trading companies to follow the law and educate members of the public. We are also duty bound as a Ministry to protect consumers from unscrupulous black market fuel dealers.

My Ministry is, therefore, advising all parties charged with distribution and use of fuel, to observe the law in supporting all economic and social activities requiring the use of fuel.

Let me end by emphasising that it is illegal to hoard fuel as fuel is a hazardous substance that poses great danger to life and property and that every citizen must desist from such acts.



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