Zhuwao says Mugabe, Grace and G40 kingpins will not be in the leadership of National Patriotic Front

Former President Robert Mugabe’s nephew Patrick Zhuwao says Mugabe, his wife Grace and exiled leaders of G40, Jonathan Moyo, Saviour Kasukuwere and himself will not be in the founding leadership of the National Patriotic Front.

The NPF was unveiled last week with Ambrose Mutinhiri, who resigned from the Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front and Parliament on 2 March, as its founding president.

Mutinhiri will also be the party’s presidential candidate in the coming elections.

In his Zimbabwe brief, Zhuwao said Mugabe would not be among the leaders of the new party but “every effort will be made to secure his goodwill”. The same will apply to his wife, Grace.

“The comrades who were exiled by the coup and are generally linked with the G40 concept, notably Honourable Saviour Kasukuwere, Professor Jonathan Moyo and Honourable Patrick Zhuwao, cannot and will not be in the founding leadership of NPF,” he said.

“The … principle guiding the leadership structure of NPF requires that the leadership is drawn from the full spectrum of Zimbabwe’s political divide with a legitimate generational mix that brings together, on the one hand, the background of liberation struggle and post-independence; as well as national government service, and on the other hand, generational renewal through involvement of the youth.”

Zhuwao said a deliberate and sustained effort must be done by NPF to identify all those who were affected by the military coup, in one way or another, directly or indirectly, to ensure that appropriate redress is done on a case by case basis.

“And so, Patriots, Comrades and Friends, the #2018Resistance has reached a critical stage with the launch of NPF. As such, whatever we do, please we should make sure that, as a rule, we do not rely on rumours about anything or anyone. Trust but verify,” he said



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