ZANU-PF sympathiser claims Soros and Kofi Annan planned to rig elections in favour of Chamisa

ZANU-PF sympathiser claims Soros and Kofi Annan planned to rig elections in favour of Chamisa

A well-known Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front sympathiser, David Matsanga Nyekorach says foreign observers and philanthropist George Soros and chair of The Elders Kofi Annan planned to rig the elections in Zimbabwe in favour of Movement for Democratic Change Alliance leader Nelson Chamisa.

When they realised that their plan had flopped they triggered the violence that engulfed Harare on 1 August before the full election results had been released so that they could get the whole election process condemned.

Matsanga, a Ugandan who lives in Kenyan and the United Kingdom, claimed in a report and broadcast on 1 August that he had raised the alarm two months before but people had ignored his warning.

He said Soros and Annan used the French DSGE (Directorate-General of External Security) which is the equivalent of the British MI6 or the United States CIA to run Parallel Tallying Servers. They had 17 such servers at the French embassy in Harare, some in Zambia, South Africa, Paris and Luton.

“It is again very clear that using the BVR Data that has been hacked from the ZEC by Chamisa and Tendai Biti henchmen and senior French experts placed in these countries, the MDC Alliance has obtained their OWN DOCTORED and SEXED election results,” Matsanga claims.

“No wonder MDC Alliance and Tendai Biti plus some media news agencies are reading from a different script about the Election results .Unless action is taken against those experts who are now in Zimbabwe headed by the VANGUARD AFRICA who are based in Chamisa and other opposition leaders’ houses .

“The Government of Zimbabwe must rise up to the occasion and check the George Soros and Kofi Annan observers who also have worked as mercenaries and observers in this Elections. There are observer and media groups in Zimbabwe that are out to cause an uprising not to observe,” he said.

Matsanga says one of the major culprits is Jeffrey Smith of Vanguard Africa, who he claimed was in Harare.

He also said Soros and former First Lady Grace Mugabe gave a lot of money to Chamisa.

Annan was in Zimbabwe just before the polls leading a three-member Elders team.

A source said while Annan had initially been behind Chamisa he was totally put off when he met the opposition leader in Harare.

The source also confirmed that there were reports that Soros and Grace had given money to Chamisa but in the case of Grace the money was released too late in the campaign because of the breakdown in negotiations as Grace insisted on being appointed Chamisa’s deputy if he won.



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