ZANU-PF says it has no business meddling into the MDC affairs

ZANU-PF says it has no business meddling into the MDC affairs

The Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front today said it has no business meddling into the affairs of the Movement for Democratic Change as the opposition party is rocked by an internal inferno that is threatening to consume it.

Party spokesman Simon Khaya Moyo said it is mischievous for anyone to suggest that the ruling party has an interest in the MDC congress which will be held in May.

The MDC has accused ZANU-PF of trying to influence the outcome of the congress with one report claiming that the ruling party is sponsoring MDC secretary-general Douglas Mwonzora to challenge MDC leader Nelson Chamisa.

Chamisa’s spokesman Nkululeko Sibanda said ZANU-PF leader President Emmerson Mnangagwa is investing $6 mil trying to avoid standing against Chamisa in any election.

Zimbabwe’s elections are more than four years away.

Speaking to the Zimbabwe Broadcasting Corporation, Moyo said:  “It is quite mischievous for someone to suggest that ZANU-PF has an interest in an outfit that does not have substantive political identity.

“That is farfetched and absurd. The mighty revolutionary ZANU-PF has no business or any derived benefit from burdening itself with the internal affairs of another political party, let alone an outfit rocked by an internal political inferno threatening to consume it.

“Instead of concentrating on pointing fingers at ZANU-PF, Chamisa’s alliance should assign attention towards resuscitating themselves from the political deathbed they are in.

“It is evident that the MDC Alliance is in complete tatters and is confronted with imminent self-extinction as testified by one of its leaders, Elias Mudzuri suggesting a possible split at their forthcoming congress. He said so recently and it is on record.”

MDC vice-president Elias Mudzuri has denied posting the tweet that said the party could split because of divisions that are rocking the main opposition ahead of the congress.

He did not, however, disown the twitter account but promised to investigate the source of the tweet.

Mwonzora has also brushed aside reports that he is linked to ZANU-PF arguing that he could not suddenly become ZANU-PF just because there is a congress coming.




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