ZANU-PF says by-elections prove Chamisa is lying that he won last year’s elections

ZANU-PF says by-elections prove Chamisa is lying that he won last year’s elections

Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front secretary for administration Obert Mpofu says the party’s victory in the three by-elections held in Matebeleland North at the weekend proves that Movement for Democratic Change leader Nelson Chamisa is lying that he won last year’s presidential elections.

ZANU-PF won the Lupane East constituency by-elections as well as two local government by-elections in Nkayi and Bubi.

“The victory by ZANU-PF in the local government and Parliamentary by-elections is a clear indication to Chamisa, who has been lying to the world that he won the elections. These by-elections show what people think about him. In Lupane you can imagine the number of (MDC Alliance) top leadership that was here and led by him, but the people have said no, we don’t want you and this rhetoric that he won is founded on no grounds at all, it is just wishful thinking which is not realistic,” Mpofu said according to The Chronicle.

Mpofu also said the victory was an indication that people were prepared to give President Emmerson Mnangagwa a chance to reform the country.

Mnangagwa’s critics say his administration is worse than that of former President Robert Mugabe who was in power for 37 years, the first seven as Prime Minister.

“The results dispel all beliefs and perceptions that are being floated around the globe and within the country that the people of Zimbabwe are in a worse situation than they were before” Mpofu said.

“We have been saying that whatever is happening, there is no government in this world which can come up with policies which are meant to demoralise the people so everything that government is doing is meant to better the people’s lives.

“The people are very clear on what they want, they are very clear on the policies of the party, policies decided by the ruling party at their congresses and conferences so we are going to continue winning these elections whenever there is a by-election. The MDC should know that they won’t win anything.

“The people are giving the government a chance to deliver on its promises which is what has happened. MDC was there in its full force headed by their leader but people said they cannot be associated with a party which has no clear policies hence they stuck to the ruling party which is commendable and we are really excited about it.”

The MDC last week embarked on a week-long prayer to prepare the nation for “crucial and decisive action”.

Party vice-chairman Job Sikhala has given Mnangagwa two weeks to sit down and negotiate with Chamisa.

Commenting on the MDC by-election loss, one commentator said: “One of the biggest problems in MDC is making grandiose noise without a plan.”




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