ZANU-PF has no time to talk about MDC because there is total confusion

The Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front says it has no time to talk about the Movement for Democratic Change because there is total confusion within the party. Besides, it does not know which MDC to talk about because they are multiplying every month. ZANU-PF spokesman Simon Khaya Moyo called on the MDC to come up with its own strategy on the country’s development instead of issuing meaningless insults on the ZANU-PF leadership. The MDC yesterday called on President Robert Mugabe to step down because he has admitted that he is tired. It also said it was worried about Mugabe’s frequent absence from the country. “To ZANU-PF, of great importance is the acceleration of the Zimbabwe Agenda for Sustainable Socio Economic Transformation through various ministries and other agencies,” Moyo was quoted by The Chronicle as saying. “We never have time to talk about the MDC, a party long forgotten by the people of Zimbabwe. It’s even more difficult to guess which MDC to talk about as they multiply every month. Their tired story and headlines about President Mugabe and the First Lady are nauseating to say the least.”



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