ZANU-PF gears up for elections, names elections directorate

The Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front has named its elections directorate as it gears up for the coming elections.

There have been several questions about why President Emmerson Mnangagwa who came to power through military intervention is not campaigning when he wants to get his own mandate.

According to the Zimbabwe Broadcasting Corporation, national political commissar Engelbert Rugeje has been appointed chair of the directorate.

Other members so far named are:

·        Simbi Mubako for Masvingo

·        John Muzamba for Matebeleland North

·        Tinaye Chigudu for Manicaland

·        Charity Manyeruke for Mashonaland East

·        Ngwabi Bhebhe for Midlands

·        Cecilia Paradza for Mashonaland West, and

·        Irene Mutumbwa for Mashonaland Central.

Matebeleland South has no representative yet as the two that were proposed are standing in the primary elections.

Rugeje is expected to announce the names of those who will be contesting the primary elections tomorrow as well as the date for those primaries.

Mnangagwa has indicated that the elections might be held in July and is still to proclaim the election dates.

The earliest he can proclaim the elections is at the end of this month and the latest is 8 July.

So far 123 political parties have registered with the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission.




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