Will the Mugabe drama end with his burial today?

Will the Mugabe drama end with his burial today?

Not likely. There have been so many twists and turns in the Mugabe saga since he died in Singapore on 6 September that the intrigue is likely to continue for some time after his burial today.

There are too many unanswered questions and new ones are likely to keep popping up.

The first question is, who is being buried today? Is it Mugabe or a dummy? There have been so many reports that he was buried a long time ago at a secret grave that one wonders whether this is true or not and who or what is being buried today.

Now that the Mugabe family has “slapped” Mnangagwa in the face- although he publicly stated that the burial place was entirely up to the family and he will respect their decision- this has raised questions as to what is going to happen to the Blue Roof and all the properties that belong to the ruling Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front that the Mugabe family has been using.  If reports that the Mugabe family gave in to government demands to bury Mugabe at the national Heroes’ Acre so that they could be given those properties are true, then what is going to happen now that they have reneged on that promise?

With reports that the family has been closely guarding Mugabe’s body because he told them before he died that those who removed him from power were after his body parts, are we not going to hear that his grave has been tampered with shortly after his burial just to prove that theory?



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