Why Nyagura is still at work

University of Zimbabwe vice-chancellor Levi Nyagura is still reporting for duty because he has not been suspended, Higher Education Minister Amon Murwira told the Senate yesterday.

Nyagura is out on bail on charges of facilitating the awarding of a doctorate degree to former first lady Grace Mugabe.

“Yes, we have read in the papers that the vice chancellor was arraigned before the courts, so I am not going to comment on the court process,”Murwira told the Senate. 

“What I know is that the vice chancellor for the University of Zimbabwe is reporting for duty at the university.  This is because the vice chancellor has not been suspended because there is no reason why he should be suspended unless proven otherwise.”

Q &A: 

HON. SEN. MUSAKA: I thank you Madam President. My question goes to Hon. Ziyambi in his capacity as Leader of Government Business. A question was asked in this House regarding Prof. Nyagura’s status. The answer that was given was that his principal does not know and has no information, neither does he have anything? Exactly how does it work? It was flighted all over the newspapers that Nyagura is arrested. What exactly can you clarify? Thank you.

THE MINISTER OF JUSTICE, LEGAL AND PARLIAMENTARY AFFAIRS (HON. ZIYAMBI): The Minister is here Madam President, so he can answer for himself.

HON. SEN. MUSAKA: Yes, Madam President because he gave an answer, nobody knows the processes.  If somebody is arrested or something happens and the principal of the person arrested is unaware and the person is still reporting for duty, what are the processes?  Can you shed light on that? I thank you. 

THE MINISTER OF JUSTICE, LEGAL AND PARLIAMENTARY AFFAIRS (HON. ZIYAMBI):  Madam President, this is a very specific question which does not relate to policy.  The Minister is here and he can shed light on those operational issues regarding that case.  Ordinarily it is not Government policy for me to answer when the relevant Minister is around.  I believe that out of respect, the question should be directed to the Minister so that he can deal with it.  I thank you. 

THE MINISTER OF HIGHER AND TERTIARY EDUCATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENT (HON. PROF. MURWIRA):  Madam President thank you.  Yes, we have read in the papers that the Vice Chancellor was arraigned before the courts, so I am not going to comment on the court process.  What I know is that the Vice Chancellor for the University of Zimbabwe is reporting for duty at the university.  This is because the Vice Chancellor has not been suspended because there is no reason why he should be suspended unless proven otherwise.  Thank you. 



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