Why Mugabe has survived this long

President Robert Mugabe, who turned 89 today, said yesterday that he had survived this long because of God. “It’s him, our creator, who is responsible for the fact that I am 89,” he told guests at State House.

Mugabe, who has been in power since February 1980, has surprised everyone because of the way he has survived the Western onslaught against him, because at one time he was considered one of the worst evil men in the world after Saddam Hussein of Iraq and Osama bin Laden of Al Qaeda.

My kindle book: Can Obama outlast Mugabe, argues that Mugabe has lasted this long because of God.

Despite its somewhat misleading title, the book is not really about Mugabe or the United States President Barack Obama. It is about the trials and tribulations that I had to go through as a journalist and a member of the Zion Christian Church led by Bishop Nehemiah Mutendi.

It is about prophecy in 2003 that Mugabe was going to outlast all his enemies and how this put me in a quandary as a journalist because polls, the propaganda, the collapsing economy all pointed in the other direction.

It is about the fulfilment of this prophecy and what else is in store for Zimbabwe, namely that Zimbabwe is going to regain its spot as a regional economic powerhouse and that the Zimbabwe dollar is coming back to compete with other regional currencies like the South African rand and the Botswana pula.



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