Why in the hell would Mugabe say Chamisa belongs to ZANU-PF?

Former President Robert Mugabe may have been losing his memory over the last few years but could he have been so daft as to introduce Nelson Chamisa to Rwandan President Paul Kagame, during the  inclusive government, as a member of his party- the Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front?

As a member of his government maybe, but as a member of ZANU-PF?

This is what Chamisa is reported to have told a rally at the weekend where he claimed to have helped Kagame to turn his country around.

"Look what my brother Paul Kagame is doing for his country," Chamisa was quoted by NewZimbabwe.Com as saying.

"I helped him on his ICT policy, on how to turn around the country when we met in Geneva, Switzerland and he was happy with my presentation.

"He asked and enquired about me from former president Robert Mugabe and he told him that I belonged to his party ZANU-PF, but I told him there and there that I belong to MDC party led by the late Morgan Tsvangirai.

"So Kagame is doing a wonderful his job for his country because he started his planning from a local level and, because of that, Rwanda has never been the same; it has changed completely….

"The first thing we want to put to order is how the government operates and how the economy is run through the use of ICTs; Mnangagwa and his government do not understand this because they are still in the analogue era," Chamisa told his supporters.

Although it is not clear when Chamisa met Kagame, the inclusive government was formed in  February 2009 and ran until the 2013 elections.

According to Forbes magazine, one of the world’s leading financial publications, Rwanda is the second most improved nation globally and the top improved in sub-Saharan Africa since 2005.



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