Why Chamisa has to win these elections

Why Chamisa has to win these elections

The voting is over. All that the candidates have to do is wait for the results.

Movement for Democratic Change Alliance leader Nelson Chamisa has to win these elections or he is finished politically.

Sources say if Chamisa loses, he will find himself nowhere as he does not have any political party to fall back to.

He surrendered the Movement for Democratic Change-Tsvangirai to Thokozani Khupe who contested the presidential elections under the MDC-T name.

While his partners have their own political parties, which contested the elections under the Alliance, to fall back to, Chamisa has no political party except the Alliance which sources argue is not a political party.

The sources say Chamisa’s salvation is to turn the Alliance into a political party but his partners, who felt they were short-changed by Chamisa but hang on to him to cash in on his popularity, will ditch him if he loses the election.

It is not clear how this will pan out but sources say Chamisa would have exceeded his “best before” date.

The MDC Alliance is a seven-party organisation though it ended up having an eighth member the National Patriotic Front led by Eunice Sandi-Moyo but this party and its backers- the Mugabes, Jonathan Moyo and Patrick Zhuwao will dump him like they did Ambrose Mutinhiri if he loses.

From the original partners Tendai Biti will return to his People’s Democratic Party. Welshman Ncube to his MDC while Jacob Ngarivhume is very bitter with Chamisa will go back to his Transform Zimbabwe.

Leaders of the other partners were fairly quiet but they too must be bitter at the way they were deprived of the seats that were reserved for them.

While Chamisa can go back to the MDC-T which elected him to lead the party for a year, Douglas Mwonzora and Elias Mudzuri will be baying for his blood.

It looks Chamisa trampled upon too many people to get to the top and they will all be going for him if he loses.



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