Why Butau wants to remain in ZANU-PF

Mbire Member of Parliament David Butau is fighting his expulsion from the Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front more to save his business empire that to argue that his dismissal was unlawful.

At least that is what he said eight years ago when he sought the help of the United States to fund the reform element within ZANU-PF.

He told a United States embassy official that he had to suck up to ZANU-PF as this was the only way to save his budding business empire.

Eldred Masunungure of the University of Zimbabwe commented at the time: “Would-be detractors are faced with the choice of remaining in the party or struggle financially due to their loss of patronage and inability to find meaningful private sector employment.

“Although the resources that ZANU-PF distributes as perquisites have dwindled…..that patronage is surprisingly resilient and the intangibles, chiefly a license to loot, were perhaps more important than farms or other assets.”

Butau was one of a dozen officials that have been expelled from the ruling for allegedly trying to oust President Robert Mugabe.

His colleague, Kudakwashe Bhasikiti, who is also challenging his expulsion, had his case thrown out because he had jumped the gun.

Another exiled member Amos Midzi allegedly committed suicide and some have said Midzi had been ruined financially.



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