What Ziyambi said about the cash crisis in Zimbabwe in full

HON. MUNENGAMI: Hon. Minister I really want to thank you regarding the answer which you just delivered to us but Hon. Minister, the shortage of cash in the country is still a very big problem that even the President himself spoke about the issue. Within the 100 day period which the President had said, the Minister of Finance and Economic Development, Hon. Patrick Chinamasa also alluded to the very same issue that indeed, the problems which the country was facing in as far as cash shortages were concerned was that the problem was going to end. As we are today, that problem has not ended. In fact, it has actually gone worse Hon. Speaker. As we speak right now, there is not even a single cent in the banks. People are still sleeping in the banks but the 100 day period has actually gone. We are more than 100 days; we are now 300 days beyond and you are still promising. You are still saying things which are actually not even helping the nation. Where is the promise which the President promised us on the 100 day period? Simple Hon. Minister. I thank you.

THE ACTING SPEAKER: Order Hon. Members. 


Hon. Mliswa having been chatting with other Hon.Members.

THE ACTING SPEAKER: Order, Hon. Mliswa, what makes you sit there today? Please less noise.

HON. ZIYAMBI: Thank you very much Mr. Speaker Sir. What I want to say is that the Hon. Member just repeated himself. What he said the first time and what he has said is the same and the answer is still the same. Government never promised that the cash shortage will end overnight. It is a programme to ensure that the economy is turned around and it is not something that you expect someone to get in and overnight things change. It is work in progress and within our 100 day plan, I do not remember anywhere where it is written that the cash shortages are going to be turned within the 100 days and no queues will be there.

HON. P. D. SIBANDA: Thank you Hon. Speaker. The Hon. Minister indicated that the President promised a new culture and not certain tangibles and that is what the Hon. Minister indicated earlier on. Today is the 72nd day that the wives of Hwange Colliery workers are still camped outside Hwange Colliery offices…

THE ACTING SPEAKER: Order Hon. Member.  

HON. P. D. SIBANDA: I am addressing the issue of culture Hon. Speaker.

THE ACTING SPEAKER: Order, that is not a supplementary question to the original question. Hon. Sibanda, just go to your question or else I will just ask you to sit down. Get your question relevant to the first question that has been posed.

HON. P. D. SIBANDA: Hon. Speaker, my supplementary is based on the fact that the Hon. Minister has indicated that what the President promised was a new culture. So, I just wanted to preface my question by showing certain incidences that have happened and ask whether it is  part and parcel of the…

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