HON. H. MGUNI: Thank you Madam Speaker for giving me this chance to also support the report that was presented by Hon. Masango and seconded by Hon. Toffa. I think there is need for research in public use of traditional medicines and we also should now have traditional medicines’ pharmacies that are functioning. Shown by the statistics that two thirds of the population around the country use these traditional medicines, whether openly or in secrecy, we should now have traditional pharmacies in place so that people could choose whether they want to go to the traditional way or to hospitals. We should also by now have opened colleges that train traditional healers so that the people that believe in traditional healers can just go there knowing that the people have been trained professionally.
We also should train traditional healers’ nurses. There should be colleges or universities that are in place to train nurses, so that when they use the medicines, they use the right dosages that have been verified to give to people. We should have researched medicines that can be exported so that the country gets foreign currency – [HON. MEMBERS: Inaudible interjections] –
THE TEMPORARY SPEAKER: Order! Order, Hon. Members on virtual. You can proceed.
HON. H. MGUNI: Thank you Madam Speaker. I was saying researched medicines can be exported to other countries and in turn can bring foreign currency to our country. This is my contribution. Thank you for affording me this chance of contributing.