What the GPA says about sanctions

Despite their differences, parties to the Global Political Agreement acknowledged that Zimbabwe was under sanctions, including targeted sanctions and vowed to fight for the removal of these sanctions to facilitate the country’s economic recovery. But none of the parties has control over the lifting of these sanctions. Here is what the GPA says about sanctions:


4. Sanctions and Measures

4.1 Recognising and acknowledging that some sections of the international community have since 2000 imposed various sanctions and measures against Zimbabwe, which have included targeted sanctions.

4.2 The Parties note the present economic and political isolation of Zimbabwe by the United Kingdom, European Union, United States of America and other sections of the International Community over and around issues of disputed elections, governance and differences over the land reform programme.

4.3 Noting and acknowledging the following sanctions and measures imposed on Zimbabwe:-

  • (a) enactment of the Zimbabwe Democracy and Economic Recovery Act by the United States of America Congress which outlaws Zimbabwe’s right to access credit from International Financial Institutions in which the United States Government is represented or has a stake;
  • (b) suspension of Zimbabwe’s voting and related rights, suspension of balance of payment support, declaration of ineligibility to borrow Fund resources and suspension of technical assistance to Zimbabwe by the International Monetary Fund;
  • (c) suspension of grants and infrastructural development support to Zimbabwe by The World Bank; and
  • (d) imposition of targeted travel bans against current Government and some business leaders.

4.4 Noting that this international isolation has over the years created a negative international perception of Zimbabwe and thereby resulting in the further isolation of the country by the non-availing of lines of credit to Zimbabwe by some sections of the international community.

4.5 Recognising the consequent contribution of this isolation to the further decline of the economy.

4.6 Desirous and committed to bringing to an end the fall in the standards of living of our people, the Parties hereby agree:-

  • (a) to endorse the SADC resolution on sanctions concerning Zimbabwe;
  • (b) that all forms of measures and sanctions against Zimbabwe be lifted in order to facilitate a sustainable solution to the challenges that are currently facing Zimbabwe; and
  • (c) commit themselves to working together in re-engaging the international community with a view to bringing to an end the country’s international isolation.



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