Va(Phelekezela) Mphoko hatichavada. Hazviitwe izvozvo! Vamwe, tumwe twacho hanzi VaMugabe hatichavada. Ko zvino zvausisavade unoti zviitwe sei iwe pachezvako vamwe vazhinji muparty vachiti tinovada? Hanzi ngavanzwe zvandiri kutaura; ngavanzwe zvatiri kutaura.
It doesn’t matter kuti uri ani. Whether you are a former detainee or a veteran, or a member with no standing in the party, you should always know how things are done. So action was taken against some, sadly enough including some whom we were outside with.
Vamwe vataive kunze navo, hamheno kuti chikonye chakavapinda chii! Ndozvazvinoita.
Hukuru muparty hunouyaka nekusarudzwa. Hahuuye nekuti aiwa tinoda kupinda uko, tisunde uyo tipindewo. Ko ndopfungwa dzevanhu here idzodzo? Ndopfungwa dzinenge dziine vanhu here?
Saka mugore rino ndozvimwe zvatakaonawo. Ndofunga imi makazvionawo. Zvino kana makazvionawo, takazvionawo pamwe chete. Let us ensure that as we go into the year 2017, we will be united; we will be clearer in our minds; we will know the rules of the party better; abide by them and be principled members of the party or principled leaders of the party.
The stability of the party rests on all its organs operating honestly.
Our constitution provides various forms, various forms of how leaders must be punished. Leaders can be changed, and those are the forms that we should follow.
Well, as we meet here and we get divided into groups, thematic committees, we expect that discussions will take place in those thematic committees and discuss various issues.
We want at the end of the day as we assemble again tomorrow and we look at the results of the committees’ discussions and resolutions that we can collect them and establish the views and be able to work out solutions based on them.
As a party, we must always speak with one voice.
Vakuru vedu, we do not run or organise matters of the party or settle our grievances through Twitter and those vana Facebook etcetera, whatever.
This, this here is a forum, a very important forum of the party. The Central Committee reports to you, the Politburo will have reported to the Central Committee, and you keep some of the programmes or decisions or recommendations that had come from below for reporting to Congress.
Those which are urgent, they may be dealt with on an urgent basis neCentral Committee, but for goodness sake, it does not help getting the newspapers to intervene in our problems and disagreements.
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