It is a forum like this one which affords us a holistic view. The broad representation at this conference must translate into a broad eye for looking at fundamental issues affecting our party.
Tasangana kudai tichibva kunzvimbo dzakasiyana-siyana, tinouya tiine pfungwa dzakasiyana-siyana.
Saka maonero iwayo ndoatinosungirwa kuisa pamwe chete kuti tizobuda nepfungwa dzatingati idzi ndopfungwa nezvinangwa zvemusangano wedu wekuMasvingo.
We must be able to look at the party from above and from below and also sideways. Since all who are here come from various provinces, all this should come from all our provinces and districts and from the organs and committees.
Kumaprovince nekumadistrict ikoko, vane maorgans avo akavapa pfungwa. Ndodzavauya nadzo kuno. Asi isuwo tose pachedu muno, tine mvumo yekuongororawo pachedu tichipawo pfungwa dzatinenge tiinadzo.
So finally, we look at the party and the country from the angle of each and every one of us and in the party and only then shall we be able to say we have met, discussed and succeeded and are now ready, truly ready for the year to come.
All these collected views must, in the final analysis, reconcile and find consolidation, expression and oneness as it were in our resolutions, which resolutions will guide us in the year to come, the year 2017.
Let me now share with you some of my observations regarding developments in our party in 2016.
Zvandakaona mugore rino rapfuura ratakupedza, aya ari maongorero emuparty nemuHurumendewo futi!
The party remains strong, there is no doubt about it. In fact, very strong and formidable by any account.
We have had all our opponents prostrated, so they are flattened on the ground. Havana ruzivo rwekuti voenda kupi, kupi – vakubata apa nepapa.
Zviparty zvirikungomuka zvisina nemusoro wese zvino hapana kwazvinosvika.
Zvinongozengerera sezvitototo. Zvimwe zvinozvigumira kumadziro zvobva zvaparara. Chaitwa apa hapana.
Chinozvara chimwe chozvara chimwe zvichingodaro izvi and kuti unzwe kuti pfungwa dzavanadzo dzakadzama dzenyika ndedzipi, hapana!
They have practically no ideas, practically no principles and practically no thinking of how this country can be transformed and how this country can have its economy transformed.
Continued next page