What if Khupe wins case against Chamisa?

By refusing to Congress Chamisa took a very high risk strategy ahead of elections and he was helped to interpret the constitution generously by his supporters who seemed to have vested interests.

Democracy is on trial in the MDC-T and the rule of law has been the MDC-T’s mantra so it cannot escape the courts.

There are very interesting scenarios that we must brace as the drama unfolds.

Firstly, should the Courts decide as many argued that the congress elected Khupe as the deputy president while Chamisa was a mere appointee reporting to the now president of the party and decide that in terms of the party constitution Khupe is the acting president then Chamisa has to form another party.

The problem becomes complicated when it comes to the current MPs as they would have to either work with Khupe or be recalled at a time the electoral laws are being debated in preparation of the 2018 harmonised elections.

Even more interesting, the decision would have found Chamisa as someone who cannot even uphold his own party constitution and it will cast aspersions on his suitability to be elected as the President of the country because how will he be entrusted to defend the constitution of the republic

The other big challenge for Chamisa should he loose will be the issue of all the bank accounts and the party resources and symbols.

This will mean that Chamisa will have to start afresh and the implications will be serious on the MDC Alliance because it means they will be forced to ditch the MDC-T.

The situation will be difficult for the MDC funders as they need to be sure that they are funding a democratic project so against the court case has the potential to chase away funders.

The resources that should be used to oil Chamisa’s campaign are now being used to fight a court case, and the money that should have been used to fund the congress are now being used to fund a court case.

Meanwhile Khupe is planning on holding her Congress this weekend which means that if the congress elects her the party president then she will approach court challenging Chamisa as unelected leader. Chamisa made the fatal mistake of being anointed and not being elected.

Khupe can however still loose the case and sink into oblivion, but that is what her fight is about. If at least she cannot win the party presidency she needs to win the argument that Chamisa is illegitimate and is the one who should be recalled together with his supporters and facilitators of the illegality.

Douglas Mwonzora and Mudzuri are not happy with the situation and the way Chamisa rose to power, although they quickly adapted to save their political careers but all that can now create a problem as they will be called as witnesses or even defendants.

Khupe has nothing to lose after all she has been abused terribly while fellow party members stood aside and looked.

Douglas Mwonzora and Mudzuri may soon be compelled to take positions consistent with the impending reality.- LloydMsipa.com


1 Comment

  1. future

    Haiwa, we support with the potential to win presidential elections. It will be pointless for her to win Mdc presidency and stil remain in oblivion. We support Nero because he is our hope against ED, not this Khupe lady. He can even win if he forms a new party, infact that would be the same real MDC but under a new name

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