Webster Shamu says Mnangagwa is a man of action

Webster Shamu says Mnangagwa is a man of action

Chegutu East Member of Parliament Webster Shamu has described President Emmerson Mnangagwa as a man of action who will turn around the country’s fortunes.

“In 2013, I had the opportunity to work with him as he gave on the spot guidance in the construction of the ZANU PF Midlands province 6.5 million dollar Convention Centre – and accomplished the task in a record time of three months.  This is the character of the man,” Shamu told Parliament in his contribution to the President’s speech.

He said his constituency was lucky because it has two major platinum operations, Zimplats and Karo Mining.

“In Chegutu East Constituency, we will forever remain indebted to His Excellency the President and Commander-in-Chief of the Zimbabwe Defence Forces, Cde Dambudzo Mnangagwa for the ground breaking ceremony he presided on the 24th July this year, heralding the beginning of mining by Karo Mining Holdings, an international platinum mining giant at Chirundazi, Msinami, Chegutu East Constituency,” he said.

“The investment will directly create 15 000 jobs and indirectly 75 000.  In other words, 90 000 people stand to benefit.

“This  therefore means that in Chegutu East Constituency, we are now the direct beneficiaries of two platinum mining companies, namely Zimplats and Karo Mining Holdings.

“His Excellency the President is a man of action.  Those of us who worked with him during the armed liberation struggle and after independence can testify.”

Full contribution:

*HON. SHAMU: Thank you Mr. Speaker Sir. Firstly, I want to thank you for giving me this opportunity to join my colleagues in this august House to congratulate you as our Speaker. We unanimously agreed and voted for you to be the Speaker of this august House to guide proceedings and to bring us back to the fold when we are getting lost in line with the Standing Rules and Orders of Parliament. I also want to take this opportunity to congratulate all returning and new Hon. Members in this august House.

I want to thank Hon. Kwaramba and Hon. Musabayana for moving and seconding the motion respectively in reply to the Presidential Speech which showed us the way forward. As a representative of all the people in Chegutu East Constituency and also on my own behalf, I also want to congratulate His Excellency the President Hon. E. D. Mnangagwa on his overwhelming success in the presidential elections and as the Commander-in-Chief of the Zimbabwe Defence Forces. I pray that the spirits of the land and the Lord himself will guide him as he executes his mandate in a successful manner that will bring to fruition the aspirations of the people of Zimbabwe.

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