We will be orphans without you baba Mugabe says top mujibha

The leader of the Zimbabwe Liberation War Collaborators- popularly known as mujibhas and chimbwidos during the liberation struggle-yesterday told First Lady Grace Mugabe to tell her husband not to leave office because “we will be orphans without him as president”. Pupurayi Togarepi told Grace Mugabe this at her children’s home in Mazowe where she said she had no right to influence President Robert Mugabe to stay or leave office. Mugabe is 90 but his current term of office ends in 1918. The Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front holds in national congress this year and is expected to elect a new leadership but some top officials are already campaigning for Mugabe to hang-on declaring him president-for-life. “The President may decide to leave office, but please tell him that we will be orphans without him as president,” Togarepi was quoted by The Herald as saying. “The freedom we are enjoying today is as a result of his wise leadership and other countries pray to have a leader like him. We are told South Africa is rich, but the indigenous people have nothing, but President Mugabe changed the lives of ordinary people. We thought it would be wise for us to brief you first on our decision before we tell the nation. To those who want to lead, we say be patient your time will come as long as we remain united.”



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