We told you so- Chamisa sold out

We told you so- Chamisa sold out

It is a difficult pill to swallow but Zimbabwe’s elections are over, done and dusted, and Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front leader Emmerson Mnangagwa is the country’s president for the next five years from today.

Mnangagwa was sworn in for his second term at a ceremony which was attended by very few Heads of State but was witnessed by South African President Cyril Ramaphosa who leads Southern Africa’s powerhouse and is key to Zimbabwe’s economy.

Chamisa, who lost to Mnangagwa polling 44% of the vote against Mnangagwa’s 53%, has rejected the results but had done nothing substantial to stop Mnangagwa’s inauguration.

He, however, continues to sell hope to his supporters, tweeting: “THANK YOU AFRICA AND THE WORLD for standing with us Zimbabweans in dismissing fraud and stolen elections. Together, we will reverse this sham and have a legitimate government freely elected and enjoying the full will of all the people of Zimbabwe! It’s not over!”

Yesterday Chamisa tweeted: “Help is coming.”

One of his followers responded: ”I have lost hope”, to which Chamisa replied:”Lose all else but Never lose hope!”

When one follower said: “I am confused everyday”, Chamisa responded: “Be clear and of good cheer!”

A Reynold Piroro tweeted: “Mr President i think we need to know what we should be doing or what you are doing to reverse this sham. We are broken sir. Very broken!”

Chamisa responded: “A lot is happening. On your part stay engaged! WE THE PEOPLE! Our God is never too late !!”

DatZimboGuy rubbished today’s inauguration. “The sham inauguration was only attended by 3 Head of States : Moza,  DRC and SA. Zanupf has broken a record today,” he tweeted but The Sober View, responded: “Inauguration gives him the instruments of power still. Even if attended by no regional leader! Lets stop self-pleasuring!”

Most of Chamisa’s supporters are living in the forlorn hope that someone will come to their leader’s rescue but as The Insider pointed out before the elections, Chamisa has delivered.

The Insider reported that it had heard as far back as February that Chamisa had entered into a deal to throw away the elections but asked that aggressive Job Sikhala be reined in because he could spoil things.

Sikhala is still behind bars. Mnangagwa won. Chamisa has been making the necessary noises, probably to pacify his restless supporters who genuinely believed he would win, but he has avoided anything to stop Mnangagwa’s inauguration.



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