Was the story about Mugabe wanting to hand over power to Chamisa an April fools’ joke!

Was the story about Mugabe wanting to hand over power to Chamisa an April fools’ joke!

The online media was awash with news that former Higher Education Minister Jonathan Moyo had said that former President Robert Mugabe intended to hand over power to Sydney Sekeramayi who would in turn hand-over to Movement for Democratic Change leader Nelson Chamisa.

Moyo is reported to have tweeted that Mugabe “was ready, in fact, he no longer had a choice but, to exit in an orderly manner by handing over to a non divisive, non-tribal and non-vindictive transitional leader best personified by Dr Sekeramayi who in turn was would have handed to a new generation of leader like Nelson Chamisa”.

It is not clear what Moyo, if he is the one who authored the tweet, meant by saying Sekeramayi was non-divisive and non-tribal because for years Sekeramayi belonged to a clique within ZANU-PF that promoted the interests of the Zezuru and was at one time known as the Committee of 21 and then increased the numbers to Committee of 26.

Asked whether by referring to Chamisa, he meant someone as young as Chamisa but in the G40 section of ZANU-PF, Moyo is reported to have tweeted back: “”Who did Mugabe endorse for the 2018 presidential election: Hon_Kasukuwere, Mzembi or Nelson Chamisa? And did President Mugabe, supported by Didymus Mutasa, not CONCEDE DEFEAT to the MDC’s Morgan Tsvangirai in 2008, only to be prevented from doing so by Mnangagwa and Chiwenga?”

The question is: what this plausible or just an April Fools’ Day joke?


1 Comment

  1. tafuma

    There is nothing as dangerous as a hallucinating professor. The political prostitute called Jonathan MOYO should be banished to some east African brothel. He might fare better

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