Was Grace Mugabe’s former husband prophetic about Chamisa’s demise?

Was Grace Mugabe’s former husband prophetic about Chamisa’s demise?

Grace Mugabe’s first husband Stanley Goreraza wrote on his facebook page on 9 November last year:

“I promise you another coup is cooking in the kitchen. And this time, it’s Nelson Chamisa who will be assante santering, with his former close allies guns aimed at him,” Goreraza wrote.

“They now see what some of us saw a long time ago that he is the greatest threat and danger to a genuine new Zimbabwe. I know they’ll all come out soon and it is very important that they make ordinary card holding MDC members and Zimbabweans in general see what the man is truly like and about. His own wife once asked him in the hearing presence of senior MDC officials at Harvest House ‘Vanhu vese ava vanomboziva here kuti une hutsinye ne mwoyo wakaipa?’.

“Takakuudzai vana Komichi nana Bvondo, Obey and his deputy, ne vamwe vari kugununguna ne kuchema ne murume uyu. You all know the things he has done to his wife which include sending her to hospital. What did you think, that he would love you? It’s now your duty to stop such a man from getting into power. You all assisted him in illegally and immorally taking power a few hours after Morgans death and what did he do? He betrayed you and Zanunized the MDC through G40 with murderers and thieves now in your midst.

“You created this mess and you must clean it. Tipeio a trustworthy leader who is honest, selfless, tolerant, mature, moona kuti I won’t be the first to jump onto your ship here!”




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