US tells Zimbabwe don’t do business with Russia

The United States government has warned Zimbabwe not to do business with Russia because Moscow is under United States sanctions.  The warning is said to have been issued, a week or two ago, through the US embassy in Harare after the signing of the US$3 billion platinum deal between Zimbabwe and Russia, according to Herald columnist Nathaniel Manheru. Zimbabwe was warned not to do business with Russia otherwise it would be placed under sanctions too which Manheru says is baffling since Zimbabwe is already under United States sanctions. Zimbabwe and Russia signed the platinum deal on 16 September. The mine, at Darwendale, will create 8 000 jobs at full development in 2024 and will produce 800 000 ounces of platinum. A United States citizen, C. Gregory Turner, is currently on trial in Chicago for illegally lobbying to have sanctions on Zimbabwe lifted. The United States insists that its current sanctions are targeted at individuals and companies yet the law forbids international financial institutions like the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank from giving loans to Zimbabwe unless this is approved by the United States President.



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