United Nations to deliver food aid to 4.1 million in Zimbabwe

United Nations to deliver food aid to 4.1 million in Zimbabwe

The United Nations today said it is procuring food assistance for 4.1 million Zimbabweans, a quarter of the population in a country where shortages are being exacerbated by runaway inflation and climate-induced drought.

Zimbabwe, once the breadbasket of southern Africa, is experiencing its worst economic crisis in a decade, marked by soaring inflation and shortages of food, fuel, medicines and electricity.

“We are very much concerned as the situation continues to deteriorate,” Eddie Rowe, World Food Program (WFP) country director, speaking from Harare, told a Geneva news briefing.

“We believe if we do not reach out and assist these people then the situation would blow up into a major crisis,” he said.

The 240 000 tonnes of food aid, to be procured on international markets, represents a doubling of the WFP’s current program in Zimbabwe.

The agency aims to purchase supplies from Tanzania, in the form of maize grain, as well as from Mexico, and pulses from Kenya and potentially the Black Sea area, Rowe said.

Zimbabwe has only had one year of normal rainfall in the last five and “markets are not functioning”, he said. “There are families that go to bed hungry without a meal a day,” Rowe added.

Zimbabwe President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s government will scrap its plan to remove grain subsidies next year, a move it says will protect impoverished citizens from rising food prices, state media reported last week.- TR



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