Two Zimbabwe MPs test positive of coronavirus

Two Zimbabwe MPs test positive of coronavirus

Two Members of Parliament, a journalist and a driver, have tested positive of the coronavirus following field visits around the country, the Clerk of Parliament Kennedy Chokuda said in a statement today.

He did not name any of the four but said that Parliament business had been suspended due to exposure of the legislators.

“As at this morning, only two Members of Parliament had been confirmed positive. A driver from one of our service providers and a journalist who were part of the team also tested positive. Our thoughts and prayers are with the affected and their families,” Chokuda said.

“The Members were part of a team that had been on field visits around the country. Everyone who was part of that team is now in self-quarantine in line with the Ministry of Health and Child Welfare guidelines.”

Chokuda said as a result of the exposure, tomorrow’s sitting for the National Assembly will be done with very limited numbers for the sole purpose of adjourning to a future date.

“This will allow for the deep-cleaning and disinfection of the Parliament Building and contact tracing and testing of those who came into contact with the affected Members of Parliament.”

He said the public will be duly advised of the date of resumption of the business of Parliament.

The number of coronavirus cases in Zimbabwe has ballooned this month with 2 512 cases as of yesterday up from just 591 at the end of June.

Some 27 people have died this month.



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